Circus Skills
Take part in Circus Avago - starring YOU! Try tightrope, juggling, unicycling, rola-bola, diabolo, clowning, tumbling and loads more in this action-packed event for all ages. It's total participation for everyone, from the exciting warm-up to the amazing performance climax. It’s your chance to be a circus star.
Magic Workshop
Ever wanted to be a Magician? Want to make and perform Vanishing Tricks? Learn and perform baffling and mysterious magic? All participants make and take away several magic tricks to amaze their friends and family and all materials are provided. This super, fun, workshop is led by a member of The Magic Circle.
Mr Albert's Tricks of the Trade
You will get a chance to pull a tablecloth from under a load of crockery in this marvellous mix of old-school variety theatre tricks. How about magically floating a glass of water in the air? Make, explore and perform traditional variety act techniques, magic, comedy, slapstick, juggling and even balancing things on your nose!